Total Tayangan Halaman

Selasa, 11 Februari 2014


~2 Macam Explanation Text :
     1. Fenomena Alam ( Example : Tsunami, Tornado, Earthquake).
     2. Fenomena Budaya Masyarakat.
~Purpose / Social Function :
  To explain the process /working or formation of natural or socio cultural phenomena.
~Generic Structure :
    1. General Statement (pernyataan umum)
    2. Sequence of explanation (rangkaian penjelasan)
    3. Closing
~Language features :
    1. Using Simple Present Tense.
    2. Using material and mental process.
    3. Using technical words / terms.
    4. Using cause and effect connectors / conjuctions (kata sambung sebab-akibat)
    5. Using Passive Voice (kalimat pasif)

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